Deep Learning

Machine learning vs. deep learning Logistic regression and multilayer networks Deep learning and optimization (e.g. weight initialization, regularization, data and batch Normalization, dropout, ...) Information…

Driver Assistance Systems II

Linear dynamic systems and probability theory Bayes filter Kalman filter and extened Kalman filter Unscented Kalman filter Motion models Sensor data fusion and association  …

Driver Assistance Systems

Introduction Traffic safety, driver assistance systems, and autonomous driving Active and passive safety Intelligent sensor systems Sensors and measuring principles (e.g. radar and camera sensors)…

Navigation and Traffic Simulation

Sensors for perception of the traffic situation and navigation Vehicle motion and control Intelligent agents and simulation models (e.g. traffic theory,continuity equation, macro and microscopic…

Measurement and Control Theory

Measuring systems, analog digital conversion Error of measurements, statistical distribution of measurements Error propagation & compensation, regression analysis Basics of control engineering Steady-state behavior, transient behavior…

Automotive Software & Systems Engineering

Vehicle development processes, methods and tools Requirements engineering Model-based function development Bus systems (e.g. CAN, LIN, MOST, Flexray) Testing of systems and diagnostics